The Waldensian Heritage Museum located in the beautiful town of Valdese, across from the Waldensian Presbyterian Church, reflects Waldensian architecture and built in 1974. After an addition and renovation in 2006 the museum is now 12,000 sq. ft. of display space. The interior showcases photographs, clothing, crafts, home furnishings, church furnishings, farm implements, carpentry tools, wine making tools, toys, industry and household items donated by the early settlers and their families. Today their history and traditions are captured in the many beautiful displays of the museum.
Board of Trustees
John Heilman - Chair
Mark Rostan - Vice Chair
John Bounous - Treasurer
Page Andersen - Secretary
Morrissa Angi
Steve Demiter
David Fletcher
Debra Garrou
Frank Grill
Steve Martinat
Rob Murray
Pam Pons
Melinda Zimmerman
Gretchen Costner - Executive Director
Katherine Fletcher - Assistant